Morgan Currie & Melisa Correa (2021). The Culture & Communities Mapping Project. Palgrave Macmillan.
Morgan Currie & Melisa Correa (2021). Tangibles, intangibles and other tensions in the Culture & Communities Mapping Project. Cultural Trends. 10 May. DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2021.1910491
Mapping Cultural Dispersal Report (2021). By Vikki Jones and Morgan Currie
‘The Art In & Out of Lockdown Report’ (2020). By Vikki Jones, Morgan Currie and Melisa Miranda Correa
2019 Cultural Mapping Workshops, ‘Research Strategy PDF.’
2019 Cultural Mapping Workshops, ‘The Participatory Process’ PDF.
2019 Cultural Mapping Workshops, ‘Results’ PDF.
“Edinburgh’s festivals urged to ‘disperse’ from city centre to local parks to spread benefits of annual events.” Brian Ferguson, Edinburgh Evening News. 14 February [link]
“Edinburgh festivals: Debates over their future have been reignited ahead of the 75th anniversary.” Brian Ferguson, Edinburgh Evening News. 18 February [link]
The cultural map of Edinburgh, in conversation with Morgan Currie, COVID-19 Perspectives Blog, 17th May 2021.
Angles on Bending Lines (video): Morgan Currie on cultural mapping for cultural equity. The Leventhal Map & Education Center. May 26, 2021.